It is worth thinking through how you can create awareness of, and build interest in, your Events Week though social media.
It’s important to consider which forms of social media are most popularly used by students in your university. You may need to put content out on more than one platform.
Here are some top tips:
- Recognisable branding and a cumulative approach is good — people may only glance at things online, but recognisable branding will mean that seeing different posts on different occasions will build an awareness of what is going on.
- Vary your content — think of the different things you can post. See below for more ideas.
- Get the CU to help increase the impact - make sure your CU members repost things to broaden the scope of who you reach.
- Tag others — tagging others, including your university, can increase the likelihood of others outside of your own circles seeing your content.
- Pay to get boosted — one of the great things about social media is that your content can be very specifically targeted to students in your university. For a small amount of money you can increase the likelihood of others coming across your content.
- Build up to the date of Events Week — as the week approaches, the amount of content should increase — you want to create a sense of excitement about what is coming!
- Keep posting throughout the week — have different content ready to post each day, advertising the events. Don’t forget to post photos and videos of what is already happening. It can be helpful for people to see what is likely to be going on inside the events venue(s) before they come along for themselves.
- Put your talks online — not everyone can or will necessarily come to everything, but, by posting videos of the talks online, people can catch up on talks that they have missed. Thus you can increase the reach of the events. You could also post short soundbites from the talks as stories, and in your shorts.
Ideas for a social media campaign
Before the Week
- Theme Video. A short video advertising the Events Week and introducing the theme is an excellent idea to share online. Remember — it needs to be aimed at piquing the interest of those who are not yet believers.
- Interviews. Gather stories from CU members which are related to the theme of your Events Week. You could even go out on campus and interview students to get their opinions on different related questions.
- Information. As the Events Week gets closer, post the full schedule of the week.
During the Events Week
- Speaker Interviews. Ask the speaker to share in 60 seconds what they are planning to speak on.
- Daily Schedules. Produce an easily shareable outline of the day ahead.
- Adverts for Specific Talks
- Daily Recaps. Create a short reel that helps people get a sense of what is going on during your events.
- Make it fun
Things to do
- Dream. Think creatively about what kind of content might engage your university’s students. Decide what you would like to produce.
- Schedule. Produce a plan of how you will implement the campaign before and during the week.
- CU. Encourage the CU to share and post the content you will make.