Getting your CU praying in the months and weeks ahead of your Events Week is one of the most important things you can do. Prayer transforms us and prayer transforms situations.
…Prayer transforms us: our confidence in His power and love will grow, and our hearts will become more aligned with His.
…And prayer transforms situations: God chooses to act in response to the prayers of His people. From individual lives to the culture of an entire campus, our prayers have the power to change reality!
Imagine how powerful it could be if your CU entered into Events Week having been interceding for your campus for months already!
Here are some ideas to get you thinking:
Praying as individuals:
- Give out prayer bookmarks for CU members to put in their Bibles. Ask people to write the names of 3 people that they’d love to see come to know Jesus.
- Post a ‘5 minute Events Week prayer’ every week to your CU group chat.
- Give people a post-it note to stick on their mirror with some really big prayers for Events Week.
Praying together:
- Organise a lunch-time prayer walk around campus.
- In an accessible building, host a 24hr prayer gathering the week before Events Week. People can ‘book’ a slot to come and pray.
- Have a day of prayer and fasting for Events Week. Break your fast together in the evening.
- Keep a prayer journal throughout the year where you write down the specific prayers and the date you first prayed them. In a second column, write down the answers to those prayers and the date when they came. One CU tried this, and at the end of the year they read through the book all together — by the last page, most were crying tears of gratitude for what God had done.
In your CU gatherings:
- Share the ‘why’ of Events Week. Provide some Biblical foundations and your team’s vision for the week and get people praying into that.
- Share stories from past Events Weeks; praise God for them.
- Pray for the different nationalities and groups on campus each week.
- Share titles or a timetable for your Events Week and pray specifically for each aspect of the day.
Things to do:
- Dream. With your team, discuss what you would love your CU to be believing about God as they enter Events Week.
- CU meetings. Organise as many slots as possible to pray for Events Week in your CU meetings. If you don’t organise your CU meetings, get in touch with the person who does.
- Weekend away. If your CU hosts a weekend away before Events Week, ask the organisers for an extended slot to share the vision for the week and pray.
- Prayer campaign. Decide on a couple of ways you want to encourage individuals to pray (ideas above).
- Delegate. Decide who will be responsible for organising these prayer efforts.